Bug Noun Synonyms
listening device, microphone, transmitter, electronic eavesdropper, tap
They planted a bug in the ambassador's telephone.
fault, error, mistake, failing, shortcoming, hang-up, glitch
There's a bug in the program that's preventing the list from being sorted. They can't market the device till they've ironed out all the bugs.
enthusiast, faddist, fan, fanatic, hobbyist
She's turned into a fruit machine bug.
microbe, germ, virus, disease, affliction, illness, sickness, ailment, disorder, malady, infection, condition, complaint, infirmity, indisposition
She's caught some kind of bug and won't be in for a few days.
insect, beetle, larva, grub, caterpillar, butterfly, mosquito, fly, spider, creepy-crawly, no-see-em
There's a bug on your collar.
obsession, craze, fad, mania, rage
Almost everyone in those days succumbed to the hula hoop bug.
Bug Verb Synonyms
annoy, irritate, pester, irk, harass, bother
I wish Mum'd stop bugging me about my homework.
tap, spy on
They bugged her phone and recorded all her conversations.
Search Google for Bug:
Entertainment / Video Games / C Bug: The second-lowest priority of bug. Whereas 'A' bugs absolutely must be fixed and 'B' bugs are damaging to the game's reputation if unfixed, most players or reviewers will not notice if a game is relea MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Debug Station: May be used to refer to one of two different kinds of hardware. A 'debugger' is a machine formerly used specifically for the purpose of 'trapping' (identifying) the source of a bug. These days, 'debug MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / D Bug: The lowest category of bug. Whenever someone uses the phrase, 'It Would Be Nice If' in discussing a bug, that's a 'D' bug. In the interest of getting the game finished so people can play it, it usuall MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / A Bug: A bug of the highest priority (a bug that must be fixed, else the game cannot be released). MORE