Other Words for Background

Background Noun Synonyms
distance, offing, horizon, obscurity
I like the way the coastline disappears into the background towards the edge of the painting.

history, experience, qualifications, credentials, grounding, training, breeding, upbringing, family, curriculum vitae, CV
His background suits him admirably for the post of ambassador.

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More Words for Background

History / Family

Background Check-Investigation

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Background Check-Investigation: Background Investigations and Reference Checks are the principal means by which employers actively check into the backgrounds of potential hires. Background investigations and reference checks fall wi MORE

Background Density

Entertainment / Photography / Background Density: Density of any selection of a negative or print on which there is no image. Also referred to as fog level. MORE

Background Level

Health / Disease / Background Level: An average or expected amount of a substance or radioactive material in a specific environment, or typical amounts of substances that occur naturally in an environment. MORE


Entertainment / Photography / Brightfield: Method of illumination used in photomicrography which will show a specimen against a white or light background. MORE

Texture Screen

Entertainment / Photography / Texture Screen: Transparent film or glass printed with a fine background pattern. They're interposed between the image and the paper to break up large areas of tone or for special effects. MORE


Lifestyle / Painting / Silhouette: A small picture, often a profile of a head, a whole figure or some simple scene. The name was in memory of Monsieur Etienne de Silhouette (1709-67), an unpopular French Minister of Finance, whose extr MORE