Other Words for Bring To Light

Bring To Light Noun Synonyms: reveal, unearth, find, uncover, unveil, discover, expose, disclose, make known

Other Words for Brink

Brink Noun Synonyms: edge, brim, rim, margin, lip, border

Other Words for Brisk

Brisk Adjective Synonyms: active, lively, busy, vigorous

Other Words for Bristle

Bristle Noun Synonyms: hair, whisker, barb, prickle, thorn, quill, seta
Bristle Verb Synonyms: prickle, rise, stand up, horripilate

Other Words for Brittle

Brittle Adjective Synonyms: fragile, frangible, breakable, friable

Other Words for Broach

Broach Verb Synonyms: introduce, raise, open (up), suggest, mention, hint at, touch on or upon, bring up or in, talk about, advance

Other Words for Broad

Broad Adjective Synonyms: wide, expansive, large, extensive, spread out, ample, spacious
Broad Noun Synonyms: woman, girl, dame, cookie or cooky, skirt, bimbo, bird, chick, number, doll, piece (of baggage)

Other Words for Broadcast

Broadcast Noun Synonyms: programme, show, transmission, telecast
Broadcast Verb Synonyms: air, transmit, relay, radio, televise, telecast

Other Words for Brochure

Brochure Noun Synonyms: pamphlet, booklet, catalogue, folder, leaflet, tract

Other Words for Broil

Broil Verb Synonyms: grill, barbecue

Other Words for Broke

Broke Adjective Synonyms: penniless, indigent, down-and-out, poverty-stricken, penurious, impoverished, insolvent, destitute, poor, needy, bankrupt, ruined, on one's beam-ends, on one's uppers, strapped, flat or dead or stony-broke, hard up, short, up against it, flat

Other Words for Broken

Broken Adjective Synonyms: fragmented, shattered, shivered, splintered, ruptured, cracked, split, smashed, pulverized, disintegrated, destroyed, demolished

Other Words for Broken Down

Broken Down Adjective Synonyms: out of order or commission, not working or functioning, in disrepair, on the blink, out of kilter, kaput, on the fritz, out of whack

Other Words for Broken-Hearted

Broken-Hearted Adjective Synonyms: heart-broken, depressed, downhearted, dejected, devastated, crushed, overwhelmed, heartsick, downcast, upset, forlorn, sorrowful, disconsolate, inconsolable, grief-stricken, miserable, wretched, melancholy, heavy-hearted, sad, doleful, dolorous, woeful

Other Words for Broker

Broker Noun Synonyms: stockbroker, agent, dealer, middleman, intermediary, go-between, stockjobber

Other Words for Brooch

Brooch Noun Synonyms: clasp, pin, fastening

Other Words for Brood

Brood Noun Synonyms: young, offspring, progeny, children, family
Brood Verb Synonyms: incubate, hatch, set, sit, cover

Other Words for Brood Over

Brood Over Verb Synonyms: ponder (on or over), meditate (on or over), contemplate, ruminate (on or over), muse (on or over)

Other Words for Brook

Brook Verb Synonyms: endure, tolerate, stand, abide, put up with, suffer, allow
Brook Noun Synonyms: stream, rivulet, run, runnel, rill, creek, beck, gill, burn

Other Words for Broth

Broth Noun Synonyms: stock, bouillon, consomm‚, soup, decoction

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