Other Words for Brand-New

Brand-New Adjective Synonyms: new, unused, fresh, firsthand, mint, virgin

Other Words for Brash

Brash Adjective Synonyms: hasty, rash, impetuous, precipitate, impulsive, headlong, reckless

Other Words for Brass

Brass Noun Synonyms: effrontery, gall, nerve, temerity, impudence, insolence, rudeness, cheek, nerve

Other Words for Brassy

Brassy Adjective Synonyms: impudent, forward, insolent, saucy, brash, rude, brazen, shameless, coarse, flashy, florid, flamboyant, cheeky, fresh

Other Words for Bravado

Bravado Noun Synonyms: boldness, bluster, boasting, braggadocio, swagger, front, self-assurance, rodomontade, gasconade, arrogance, pretentiousness, machismo, side

Other Words for Brave

Brave Verb Synonyms: challenge, defy, dare, brazen (out), face, confront, encounter, meet
Brave Adjective Synonyms: fearless, intrepid, bold, courageous, daring, gallant, stout, stout-hearted, valiant, valorous, stalwart, plucky, staunch, undaunted, dauntless, unafraid, unfearing, indomitable, heroic, macho, gutsy

Other Words for Bravery

Bravery Noun Synonyms: daring, courage, valour, heroism, fortitude, fearlessness, intrepidity, intrepidness, pluck, determination, staunchness, firmness, resoluteness, resolution, indomitability, stalwartness, machismo

Other Words for Brawl

Brawl Verb Synonyms: fight, wrangle, row, quarrel, squabble, scrap
Brawl Noun Synonyms: fight, mele, battle, battle royal, Donnybrook, fray, wrangle, dispute, disorder, brannigan, fracas, row, quarrel, squabble, punch-up, free-for-all, scrap, ruckus

Other Words for Brawn

Brawn Noun Synonyms: muscle(s), strength, robustness, brawniness, might, power, huskiness

Other Words for Brawny

Brawny Adjective Synonyms: muscular, strong, tough, robust, mighty, powerful, burly, strapping, beefy, hefty, bulky, husky

Other Words for Brazen

Brazen Adjective Synonyms: brassy, shameless, barefaced, brash, outspoken, forward, immodest, unashamed, audacious, candid, open, unabashed, brazen-faced, rude, impudent, impertinent, insolent, saucy, cheeky, fresh, sassy

Other Words for Breach

Breach Noun Synonyms: break, violation, infraction, disobedience, non-observance, infringement, contravention
Breach Verb Synonyms: rupture, break through, invade

Other Words for Breadth

Breadth Noun Synonyms: width, wideness, broadness, beam, span, spread, thickness

Other Words for Break

Break Noun Synonyms: fracture, split, separation, rupture, breach, rift, schism
Break Verb Synonyms: break apart or up or asunder, fracture, rupture, break into bits, come apart, shatter, shiver, crack, crash, splinter, fragment, split, burst, explode, bust

Other Words for Break Away

Break Away Verb Synonyms: leave, depart, separate (oneself)

Other Words for Break Down

Break Down Verb Synonyms: demolish, destroy

Other Words for Break Ground

Break Ground Verb Synonyms: initiate, begin, commence, found, set up, establish, inaugurate, be innovative, innovate, break the ice, take the plunge, start the ball rolling

Other Words for Break In

Break In Verb Synonyms: interrupt, interpose, Interjectionect, burst in, intrude, intervene, interfere, disturb

Other Words for Break Loose

Break Loose Adjective Synonyms: escape, flee

Other Words for Break Off

Break Off Verb Synonyms: discontinue, stop, cease, end

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