Other Words for Bookkeeper

Bookkeeper Noun Synonyms: clerk, accountant, chartered accountant, CA, cashier, CPA, certified public accountant

Other Words for Bookworm

Bookworm Noun Synonyms: bibliophile, book-lover, inveterate or ardent reader, bibliophage

Other Words for Boom

Boom Verb Synonyms: sound, resound, resonate, blast, rumble, thunder, roar, bang, explode
Boom Noun Synonyms: blast, rumble, explosion

Other Words for Boomerang

Boomerang Verb Synonyms: rebound, recoil, backfire, miscarry, redound

Other Words for Boon

Boon Noun Synonyms: gift, favor, award, reward, gratuity, present, blessing, benefit, advantage

Other Words for Boor

Boor Noun Synonyms: rustic, peasant, yokel, (country) bumpkin, provincial, backwoodsman, hayseed, hill-billy, Juke, Kallikak, hick

Other Words for Boorish

Boorish Adjective Synonyms: rustic, barbarian, rude, crude, ill-mannered, uncultured, coarse, clownish, uncouth, loutish, oafish, gawky, vulgar, ill-bred

Other Words for Boost

Boost Verb Synonyms: lift, shove or push up or upward(s), raise
Boost Noun Synonyms: lift, shove or push up or upward(s), leg up, rise, raise

Other Words for Boot

Boot Noun Synonyms: shoe, riding-boot, bootee
Boot Verb Synonyms: eject, expel, shove, propel, push, kick

Other Words for Booth

Booth Noun Synonyms: stall, stand

Other Words for Bootless

Bootless Adjective Synonyms: pointless, unavailing, vain, purposeless,eless, futile, worthless, unproductive, ineffective, inefficacious, fruitless, unprofitable, profitless, unremunerative, unrewarding, wasteful, time-wasting, Sisyphean

Other Words for Booty

Booty Noun Synonyms: plunder, gain, spoil(s), contraband, takings, loot, swag, boodle, (hot) goods, take

Other Words for Booze

Booze Verb Synonyms: drink, tipple, Humorous bibulate, hit the bottle, hit the sauce
Booze Noun Synonyms: drink, (hard) liquor, spirit(s), whisk(e)y, alcohol, demon rum, John Barleycorn, mountain dew, white lightning, white mule, rot-gut, poison, fire-water, mother's ruin, sauce, juice, hooch, red-eye

Other Words for Border

Border Noun Synonyms: edge, margin, hem, binding, trimming, trim, edging, periphery, purfle, purfling
Border Verb Synonyms: edge, trim, bind, fringe, purfle

Other Words for Borders

Borders Noun Synonyms: limit(s), bound(s), confines

Other Words for Bore

Bore Noun Synonyms: hole, drill-hole, borehole
Bore Verb Synonyms: pierce, perforate, drill, penetrate, puncture, tap, punch, stab, prick, sink, tunnel, dig (out), gouge (out), hollow out

Other Words for Boredom

Boredom Noun Synonyms: dullness, dreariness, ennui, tedium, monotony

Other Words for Boring

Boring Adjective Synonyms: dull, monotonous, tedious, humdrum, tiresome, dreary, flat, dead, uninteresting, unexciting, ennuyant, stale, tired, dry, dry-as-dust, arid, tiring, wearying, wearisome, exhausting, soporific, repetitious, wordy, prolix, unending, long-drawn-out

Other Words for Borrow

Borrow Verb Synonyms: take, appropriate, draw, adopt, refer to, obtain, sponge, cadge, touch (someone) for, bum, mooch

Other Words for Borstal

Borstal Noun Synonyms: youth custody centre, approved school, Now reform school, reformatory

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