Award Noun Synonyms
prize, trophy, reward
The award for the tidiest boats has been won by the Bristol Yacht Club.
grant, bestowal, presentation, endowment, awarding
Before the award of the prizes, we listened to speeches. Profits were up last year despite a large pay award.
Award Verb Synonyms
grant, give, confer, bestow, present, accord, furnish, endow with, assign, apportion
Her dog was awarded the blue ribbon in the club show.
Search Google for Award:
Lifestyle / College / Award Letter: The notification of financial aid award. The award letter lists the types and amounts of financial aid the student is eligible for. To finalize the award package, the student must sign and return the MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Hugo Award: The familiar nickname for the Science Fiction Achievement Award, given each year since 1954 to an outstanding work of science fiction or fantasy literature. The categories change yearly, but typically MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Nebula Award: An annual award given by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Association (SFFWA) for the best science fiction or fantasy work published during the previous two years. The categories inc MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Baldridge National Quality Award: The Baldrige Award is given by the President of the United States to businesses?€”manufacturing and service, small and large?€”and to education and health care organizations that apply and are MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award: The Baldridge Award is given by the President of the United States to businesses?€”manufacturing and service, small and large?€”and to education and health care organizations that apply and ar MORE
Business / Agriculture / Edward R. Madigan U.S. Agricultural Export Excellence Award: An award established by the FAIR Act of 1996 to recognize companies?€™ and other entities?€™ entrepreneurial efforts in the food and agricultural sector for advancing U.S. agricultural exports MORE