Other Words for Attack

Attack Noun Synonyms
assault, onset, offensive, onslaught, incursion, raid, strike, inroad, invasion
The enemy responded to our attack with a smokescreen. After capturing the pawn, Karpov launched an attack on the queen.

seizure, spell, spasm, paroxysm, fit, bout
Preston has had another attack of gout. How do you stop an attack of hiccups.

criticism, censure, abuse, denunciation, revilement, denigration, decrial, disparagement, deprecation, vilification
The quarterly's attack is totally uncalled for.

Attack Verb Synonyms
affect, seize, infect
Rheumatism attacks young and old alike.

assail, assault, fall or set or pounce upon, charge, rush, raid, strike (at), storm, engage (in battle), fight, mug, jump
They were attacked on their way home by a gang of boys. Helicopter gunships were sent out to attack the bunker.

criticize, censure, berate, abuse, revile, inveigh against, denounce, condemn, malign, denigrate, decry, disparage, deprecate, vilify
His article attacked the minister for his views on housing.

begin, start, approach, undertake
We attacked the meal with gusto.

waste, devour, destroy, eat, erode, corrode, decompose, dissolve
Termites have attacked the beams of the house. Watch how the acid attacks the areas on the plate that have not been protected.

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More Words for Attack

Mug / Storm / Seize / Abuse / Fit / Fight / Waste / Strike / Start

Electronic Attack (EA)

Technology / Radar / Electronic Attack (EA): Electronic attack (ea), previously known as electronic counter measures (ecm), is conducted on radar systems to reduce or prevent the radar?€™s use of the electromagnetic spectrum. MORE

Attacking Zone

Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Attacking Zone: Is that portion of the rink farthest from the defended goal. So that area closest to your opponent?­s goal is the attacking zone. MORE

Panic Attacks

Science / Psychiatry / Panic Attacks: acute, episodic attacks of extreme anxiety MORE

Crisscross Attack

Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Crisscross Attack: This describes when two wingman switch sides of the rink when they are attacking the opposing teams goal. MORE

Charge Attack

Entertainment / Video Games / Charge Attack: Typically found in 2D one-on-one fighters, a move that requires the player to hold the joystick in one direction for a few seconds before executing the attack. MORE

Denial-Of-Service Attack (DOS)

Technology / Email / Denial-Of-Service Attack (DOS): An organized effort to disrupt email or Web service by sending more messages or traffic than a server can handle, shutting it down until the messages stop. MORE