Other Words for Amendment

Amendment Noun Synonyms
correction, emendation, reformation, change, alteration, rectification, repair, reform, improvement, amelioration, betterment, enhancement
The committee approved the amendment of the constitution by the addition of the suggested paragraphs.

attachment, addition, addendum, clause, paragraph, alteration
A two-thirds majority in the Congress is needed to pass the amendment.

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Addition / Change


Business / Real Estate / Amendments: An amendment is a change to the existing content of a contract. Any time words or provisions are added to or deleted from the body of the contract, the contract has been amended. MORE

Fair Housing Amendment Act Of 1988

Business / Real Estate / Fair Housing Amendment Act Of 1988: Extends the Civil Rights Act of 1968 to cover handicapped persons and families with children. MORE

Commodity Distribution Reform Act And WIC Amendments Of 1987

Business / Agriculture / Commodity Distribution Reform Act And WIC Amendments Of 1987: P.L. 100-237 (January 8, 1988) established a free-standing law requiring the USDA to improve the distribution and quality of commodities donated to child nutrition programs. Also established a foodban MORE

Agricultural Adjustment Act Amendment Of 1935

Business / Agriculture / Agricultural Adjustment Act Amendment Of 1935: P.L. 74-320 (August 24, 1935) made several important and lasting changes to the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933. Section 22 of the law gave the President authority to impose quotas when imports in MORE

Securities Acts Amendments Of 1975

Business / Finance / Securities Acts Amendments Of 1975: Legislation to encourage the establishment of a national market system together with a system for nationwide clearing and settlement of securities transactions. MORE

Amendment To The Escrow Instructions

Business / Real Estate / Amendment To The Escrow Instructions: A change to escrow instructions requiring the agreement of both buyer and seller. MORE