Other Words for Amalgam

Amalgam Noun Synonyms
mixture, blend, combination, alloy, mix, composite, admixture, amalgamation, compound
The population was an amalgam of original settlers and new immigrants.

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Amalgamated Compound

Entertainment / Literature / Amalgamated Compound: A word originally formed from a compound, but whose form is no longer clearly connected to its origin, such as the word not--originally compounded from Anglo-Saxon na-wiht (no whit'). MORE

Mercury (Hg)

Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Mercury (Hg): Atomic number: 80, Atomic mass: 200.59 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 1.9, Density: 13.6 g.cm-3 at 20?°C, Melting point: - 38.9 ?°C, Boiling point: 356.6 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.157 nm, Ionic radi MORE

Tin (Sn)

Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Tin (Sn): Atomic number: 50, Atomic mass: 118.69 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 1.8, Density: 5.77g.cm-3 (alpha) and 7.3 g.cm-3 at 20?°C (beta), Melting point: 232 ?°C, Boiling point: 2270 ?°C, Vanderwaals rad MORE


Business / Agriculture / Integration: The combination (under the management of one firm) of two or more identical (horizontal) or successive (vertical) stages in the production or marketing process of a particular product. Generally the s MORE

Thallium (Tl)

Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Thallium (Tl): Atomic number: 81, Atomic mass: 204.383 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 1.8, Density: 11.71 g.cm-3 at 20?°C, Melting point: 304 ?°C, Boiling point: 1473 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.182 nm, Ionic radius MORE

Rubidium (Rb)

Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Rubidium (Rb): Atomic number: 37, Atomic mass: 85.4678 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 0.8, Density: 1.53 g.cm-3 at 20?°C, Melting point: 39 ?°C, Boiling point: 696 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.243 nm, Ionic radius: 0 MORE