Other Words for Advisory

Advisory Adjective Synonyms
consultive, consultative, counseling, hortatory, monitory, admonitory
Our firm has been engaged in an advisory capacity on the privatization of the utility companies.

Advisory Noun Synonyms
bulletin, notice, warning, admonition, prediction
The Weather Office has issued a storm advisory for the weekend.

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More Words for Advisory

Notice / Warning

Investment Advisory Service

Business / Finance / Investment Advisory Service: A business that specializes in providing investment advice for a fee. All advisers of an advisory service must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. MORE

Public Health Advisory

Health / Disease / Public Health Advisory: A statement made by ATSDR to EPA or a state regulatory agency that a release of hazardous substances poses an immediate threat to human health. The advisory includes recommended measures to reduce exp MORE

Small Craft Advisory

Science / Weather / Small Craft Advisory: An advisory issued for marine interests, especially for operators of small boats or other vessels. Conditions include wind speeds between 20 knots (23 mph) and 34 knots (39 mph). MORE

National Agricultural Research Extension Education And Economics Advisory Board

Business / Agriculture / National Agricultural Research Extension Education And Economics Advisory Board: A 30-member board established by the FAIR Act of 1996 to replace three previous advisory committees. The Board advises USDA on national priorities and policies related to agricultural research, extens MORE

Snow Advisory

Science / Weather / Snow Advisory: A statement or advisory issued when snow is expected to create hazardous travel conditions. It warns of less severe weather conditions than a winter storm MORE

Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF)

Technology / Aviation / Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF): A communications radio frequency designed for the purpose of carrying out airport advisory practices while operating to or from an airport without an operating control tower. The CTAF may be a UNICOM, MORE