Abide By Verb Synonyms
consent to, agree to, comply with, observe, acknowledge, obey, follow, submit to, conform to, keep to, remain true to, stand firm by, adhere to, hold to
You must abide by the rules of the club if you become a member.
Search Google for Abide By:
Technology / Television (TV) / Megabyte: One million bytes (actually 1,048,576): one thousand kilobytes. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Management By Objective (MBO): A performance appraisal strategy in which subordinates determine and set goals for themselves based on the overall goals and objectives for the organization. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Lullaby: A song written for children, especially a calming one designed to help an infant go to sleep. The genre is often marked by trimeter or duple meter in its metrical line, repetition, soothing euphony, a MORE
Technology / Computers / Megabyte (MB): About a million bytes of space. Actually it's 2 raised to the 20th power or 1,048,576 bytes of space. MORE
Business / Finance / Nearby: The nearest active trading month of a financial or commodity futures market. Related: Deferred futures. MORE
Business / Finance / Net Cash Provided By Operations: On a cash flow statement, net income plus non-cash transactions and the net amount of changes in operating assets and liabilities. MORE