Other Words for Abbreviated

Abbreviated Adjective Synonyms
skimpy, brief, revealing
The dancers' abbreviated costumes shocked some members of the audience.

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Entertainment / Literature / Rondeau: A short poem consisting of ten, thirteen, or fifteen lines using only two rhymes which concludes each section with an abbreviated line that serves as a refrain. We can see an example of the rondeau in MORE

Mean Low Water Springs (MLWS)

Science / Tides and Currents / Mean Low Water Springs (MLWS): A tidal datum. Frequently abbreviated spring low water. The arithmetic mean of the low water heights occurring at the time of spring tides observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. It is usually d MORE

Lunicurrent Interval

Science / Tides and Currents / Lunicurrent Interval: The interval between the Moon's transit (upper or lower) over the local or Greenwich meridian and a specified phase of the tidal current following the transit. Examples are strength of flood interval MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Translatio: The medieval idea of what modern individuals might mistakenly call 'translation.' Translatio is the act of taking an older text in a different language and creating a new work that embodies the same i MORE


Entertainment / Literature / His-Genitive: An unusual use of his, her, and their as the sign of the genitive by attaching them to the end of a word or locating them immediately after a word. Algeo notes this became common primarily in the sixt MORE

Black Vernacular

Entertainment / Literature / Black Vernacular: The ethnic dialect associated with Americans of African ancestry is often called black vernacular or 'Black English.' It is also known a 'African American Vernacular English,' and abbreviated AAVE in MORE