Abandoned Adjective Synonyms
bad, immoral, amoral, wicked, sinful, evil, corrupt, unprincipled, unrestrained, uninhibited, reprobate, loose, wanton, debauched, wild, dissolute, dissipated, profligate, depraved, lewd, lascivious, flagitious
His abandoned behavior soon landed him in jail.
left alone, forlorn, forsaken, deserted, neglected, rejected, shunned, cast off, cast aside, jilted, dropped, outcast
An abandoned infant was found on the church steps. Totally alone, she felt abandoned by her friends.
Search Google for Abandoned:
Business / Agriculture / Abandoned Wells: Abandoned drainage wells and abandoned water wells on vacant farmsteads are of particular concern for agriculture. Abandoned wells can present both safety risks and a direct conduit by which groundwat MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Encaustic: One of the oldest methods of painting, being practised from at least 3000 BC. Some of the finest existing examples are the mummy portraits from Fayum executed about the 3rd century AD. The colours are MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Springer: A Springer is a particular Harley-Davidson model in the Softail family. It is characterized by a front fork that uses springs and a shock instead of a telescopic fork. The Springer front fork was firs MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Norman: An inhabitant of Normandy, a region along the northern coast of France. The word Norman comes from a cognate for 'northmen,' for the Norman aristocracy of the region originally descended from Danish ( MORE
Business / Real Estate / Converted-Use Properties: Factories, warehouses, office buildings, hotels, schools, churches and other structures that have been converted to residential use. Developers often find renovation of such properties more aesthetica MORE