A Leg Up Noun Synonyms
boost, assistance, push, help, helping hand, advance, support, assist
Let me give you a leg up over the wall. Gordon might give you a leg up in getting a job.
Search Google for A Leg Up:
Technology / Motorcycle / Parked It: To be going slower than conditions allow through a turn. ?€?As I was coming up to turn three this guy just parked it in front of me.?€? MORE
Business / Finance / Parity Value: Related: Conversion value MORE
Business / Agriculture / Parity Ratio: The ratio of the prices received index, 1910-14=100, to the prices paid index on a 1910-14=100 base (called the parity index). The parity ratio is a measure of relative price relationships. It is not MORE
Business / Agriculture / Parity Price: A measurement of the purchasing power of a unit of a particular commodity. Originally, parity was the price per bushel, bale, pound, or hundredweight that would be necessary for a unit of a commodity MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Parked Motorcycle Syndrome (PMS): PMS is defined as Parked Motorcycle Syndrome. This is a common disease that occurs in the winter when a rider is unable to take his/her motorcycle out for a ride and is forced to think about things ot MORE