Other Words for Affiliated

Affiliated Adjective Synonyms: associated, attached, connected, combined, united, joined

Other Words for Affinity

Affinity Noun Synonyms: relationship, kinship, closeness, alliance, connection, sympathy, rapport

Other Words for Afflict

Afflict Verb Synonyms: affect, bother, distress, oppress, trouble, torment

Other Words for Affliction

Affliction Noun Synonyms: hardship, misery, misfortune, distress, ordeal, trial, tribulation, adversity, suffering, woe, pain, grief, distress, torment, wretchedness

Other Words for Afford

Afford Verb Synonyms: have the means, be able or rich enough, manage, bear the expense, pay, provide

Other Words for Afoul

Afoul Adverb Synonyms: entangled with, in trouble with, in conflict with, at odds with

Other Words for Afraid

Afraid Adjective Synonyms: fearful, frightened, scared, intimidated, apprehensive, lily-livered, white-livered, terrified, panic-stricken, faint-hearted, weak-kneed, timid, timorous, nervous, anxious, jittery, on edge, edgy, jumpy, cowardly, pusillanimous, craven, yellow

Other Words for Age

Age Noun Synonyms: lifetime, duration, length of existence, life-span
Age Verb Synonyms: grow old(er), mature, ripen

Other Words for Aged

Aged Adjective Synonyms: old, elderly, superannuated, ancient, age-old, grey, venerable

Other Words for Agency

Agency Noun Synonyms: means, medium, instrumentality, intervention, intercession, action, intermediation, operation, mechanism, force, power, activity, working(s), energy

Other Words for Agent

Agent Noun Synonyms: representative, intermediary, go-between, proxy, emissary, delegate, spokesman, spokeswoman, spokesperson, deputy, substitute, surrogate, advocate, emissary, legate, envoy, factor

Other Words for Aggravate

Aggravate Verb Synonyms: worsen, intensify, exacerbate, heighten, magnify, increase, inflame

Other Words for Aggression

Aggression Noun Synonyms: aggressiveness, hostility, belligerence, combativeness, aggro

Other Words for Aggressive

Aggressive Adjective Synonyms: combative, warlike, martial, belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious, quarrelsome, disputatious, litigious, hostile, unfriendly

Other Words for Aggressor

Aggressor Noun Synonyms: assailant, attacker, instigator, initiator, provoker, belligerent

Other Words for Agile

Agile Adjective Synonyms: nimble, quick, brisk, swift, active, lively, lithe, limber, spry, sprightly

Other Words for Agitate

Agitate Verb Synonyms: excite, arouse, rouse, move, perturb, stir up, disquiet, fluster, ruffle, rattle, disconcert, discomfit, unsettle, upset, rock, unnerve, shake (up), discombobulate

Other Words for Agitated

Agitated Adjective Synonyms: moved, stirred (up), shaken (up), rattled, disturbed, upset, nervous, perturbed, jittery, jumpy, uneasy, ill at ease, fidgety, disquieted, discomfited, ruffled, flustered, unsettled, unnerved, wrought up, discomposed, disconcerted, aroused, roused

Other Words for Agitation

Agitation Noun Synonyms: shaking, disturbance, churning, stirring, turbulence

Other Words for Agitator

Agitator Noun Synonyms: activist, rabble-rouser, incendiary, agent provocateur, insurrectionist, troublemaker, demagogue, firebrand

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