Other Words for Attribute

Attribute Verb Synonyms: ascribe, impute, assign, put down to, trace to, charge, credit
Attribute Noun Synonyms: quality, character, characteristic, property, feature, trait, virtue

Other Words for Attribution

Attribution Noun Synonyms: assignment, ascription, credit

Other Words for Audacious

Audacious Adjective Synonyms: daring, bold, confident, intrepid, brave, courageous, adventurous, venturesome, reckless, rash, foolhardy, daredevil, devil-may-care, fearless, doughty, mettlesome

Other Words for Aura

Aura Noun Synonyms: air, atmosphere, feeling, ambience or ambiance, spirit, character, quality, odor, aroma, emanation

Other Words for Auspices

Auspices Noun Synonyms: aegis, sponsorship, authority, protection, support, backing, supervision, guidance, patronage, sanction, approval, control, influence

Other Words for Authentic

Authentic Adjective Synonyms: genuine, real, actual, bona fide, factual, accurate, true, legitimate, authoritative, reliable, veritable, trustworthy, faithful, undisputed

Other Words for Authenticate

Authenticate Verb Synonyms: verify, validate, certify, substantiate, endorse, vouch for, confirm, corroborate

Other Words for Author

Author Noun Synonyms: creator, originator, inventor, father, founder, framer, initiator, maker, prime mover, architect, designer, writer, novelist, littérateur

Other Words for Authoritarian

Authoritarian Adjective Synonyms: dictatorial, imperious, totalitarian, autocratic, arbitrary, absolute, dogmatic, domineering, strict, severe, unyielding, tyrannical, despotic, bossy

Other Words for Authoritative

Authoritative Adjective Synonyms: official, valid, authentic, documented, certified, validated, legitimate, sanctioned, conclusive

Other Words for Authorities

Authorities Noun Synonyms: government, establishment, officials, officialdom, powers that be, police

Other Words for Authority

Authority Noun Synonyms: power, jurisdiction, dominion, right, control, prerogative, authorization, hegemony

Other Words for Authorize

Authorize Verb Synonyms: empower, commission, sanction, approve, countenance, permit, give leave, allow, license, entitle, consent or subscribe to, endorse, OK, okay, give the green light or go-ahead to

Other Words for Automatic

Automatic Adjective Synonyms: self-acting, self-governing, self-regulating, mechanical, robot, automated

Other Words for Auxiliary

Auxiliary Noun Synonyms: help, assistance, aid, support, accessory
Auxiliary Adjective Synonyms: helping, assisting, supportive, aiding, abetting, helpful, accessory, supplementary

Other Words for Available

Available Adjective Synonyms: at or to hand, at one's disposal, accessible, handy, present, ready, (readily) obtainable, convenient, nearby, close by, within reach, on tap, at one's fingertips or elbow

Other Words for Avant-Garde

Avant-Garde Adjective Synonyms: innovative, advanced, progressive, experimental, original, new, ground-breaking, pioneering, precedent-setting, revolutionary, extreme, extremist, far-out, way-out

Other Words for Avarice

Avarice Noun Synonyms: greed, acquisitiveness, cupidity, craving, covetousness, desire, greediness, rapacity, selfishness, stinginess, meanness, miserliness, parsimony, tight-fistedness, close-fistedness, niggardliness, penuriousness

Other Words for Avaricious

Avaricious Adjective Synonyms: greedy, acquisitive, grasping, covetous, mercenary, selfish, penny-pinching, stingy, miserly, mean, parsimonious, tight-fisted, close-fisted, niggardly, penurious, tight

Other Words for Average

Average Noun Synonyms: mean, norm,ual, standard
Average Adjective Synonyms: normal, common,ual, customary, general, typical, ordinary, regular

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