Other Words for Approve Of

Approve Of Verb Synonyms: allow, countenance, condone, permit, sanction, authorize, endorse, put one's imprimatur on, agree (to), accept, assent (to), go along with, OK, okay, give the green light or go-ahead or one's blessing (to), rubber-stamp

Other Words for Approximate

Approximate Verb Synonyms: near, approach, come close to, verge on
Approximate Adjective Synonyms: rough, inexact, loose, imprecise, estimated, guestimated, ballpark

Other Words for Approximately

Approximately Adverb Synonyms: approaching, nearly, almost, close to, about, around, give or take, roughly, generally

Other Words for Aptitude

Aptitude Noun Synonyms: fitness, suitability, appropriateness, relevance, applicability, suitableness, aptness

Other Words for Arbitrary

Arbitrary Adjective Synonyms: capricious, varying, erratic, uncertain, inconsistent, doubtful, unpredictable, whimsical, irrational, chance, random, inconsistent, subjective, unreasoned, irrational, chancy, iffy

Other Words for Arch

Arch Adjective Synonyms: chief, principal, prime, primary, pre-eminent, foremost, first, greatest, consummate, major

Other Words for Ardent

Ardent Adjective Synonyms: eager, intense, zealous, keen, fervent, fervid, passionate, avid, fierce, impassioned, hot, warm, enthusiastic

Other Words for Ardor

Ardor Noun Synonyms: eagerness, desire, zeal, fervency, burning desire, keenness, fervor, passion, heat, warmth, enthusiasm

Other Words for Arduous

Arduous Adjective Synonyms: laborious, difficult, hard, tough, strenuous, onerous, burdensome, back-breaking, painful, operose, tiring, exhausting, wearisome, fatiguing, taxing, grueling, trying, formidable

Other Words for Area

Area Noun Synonyms: space, room

Other Words for Argue

Argue Verb Synonyms: dispute, debate, disagree, bicker, wrangle, quarrel, squabble, spar, fight, remonstrate, altercate, row, scrap

Other Words for Argue Out Of

Argue Out Of Verb Synonyms: persuade, dissuade, talk out of, prevail upon, convince

Other Words for Argument

Argument Noun Synonyms: debate, dispute, disagreement, quarrel, controversy, polemic, wrangle, squabble, tiff, spat, altercation, conflict, fight, fracas, affray, fray, Donnybrook, feud, row, falling-out, scrap, barney

Other Words for Argumentative

Argumentative Adjective Synonyms: quarrelsome, disputatious, belligerent, combative, contentious, litigious, disagreeable, testy

Other Words for Arise

Arise Verb Synonyms: rise, get up, stand up, get to one's feet, wake up, get out of bed, awake

Other Words for Aroma

Aroma Noun Synonyms: smell, odor, fragrance, scent, perfume, savor, bouquet, redolence

Other Words for Aromatic

Aromatic Adjective Synonyms: fragrant, spicy, perfumed, savory, pungent

Other Words for Around

Around Adverb Synonyms: about, approximately, nearly, almost, roughly, circa
Around Preposition Synonyms: round, about, surrounding, encompassing, enveloping, encircling, on all sides of, in all directions from, enclosing

Other Words for Arouse

Arouse Verb Synonyms: awaken, raise (up), wake up, waken, rouse, revive, stir (up)

Other Words for Arrange

Arrange Verb Synonyms: order, dispose, array, organize, sort (out), systematize, group, set up, rank, line up, align, form, position

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