Other Words for Ambiguous

Ambiguous Adjective Synonyms: equivocal, amphibological, amphibolic or amphibolous, misleading

Other Words for Ambition

Ambition Noun Synonyms: hunger, thirst, craving, appetite, arrivisme

Other Words for Ambitious

Ambitious Adjective Synonyms: aspiring, hopeful, enthusiastic

Other Words for Ambush

Ambush Verb Synonyms: lie in wait, trap, waylay, ensnare, entrap, lurk, ambuscade, intercept, lay in wait, bushwhack
Ambush Noun Synonyms: trap, ambuscade or ambuscado

Other Words for Amend

Amend Verb Synonyms: reform, change for the better, improve, better, ameliorate

Other Words for Amendment

Amendment Noun Synonyms: correction, emendation, reformation, change, alteration, rectification, repair, reform, improvement, amelioration, betterment, enhancement

Other Words for Amends

Amends Noun Synonyms: compensate, pay, repay, make reparation or restitution, recompense, redress, remedy, requite

Other Words for Amiable

Amiable Adjective Synonyms: friendly, well-disposed, kindly, kind, amicable, agreeable, congenial, genial, warm, winsome, winning, affable, agreeable, pleasant, obliging, tractable, approachable, benign, good-natured, good-hearted, kind-hearted, affectionate

Other Words for Amicable

Amicable Adjective Synonyms: friendly, amiable, congenial, harmonious, brotherly, kind-hearted, warm, courteous, cordial, polite, civil, pleasant, peaceful, peaceable

Other Words for Amid

Amid Preposition Synonyms: mid, in or into the middle or midst or centre of, amongst, among, surrounded by, in the thick of, amidst

Other Words for Amiss

Amiss Adjective Synonyms: wrong, at fault, awry, out of order, faulty, defective, improper, untoward, astray, erroneous, fallacious, confused, incorrect, off
Amiss Adverb Synonyms: wrong, awry, badly, poorly, imperfectly, inopportunely, unfavorably, unpropitiously

Other Words for Among

Among Preposition Synonyms: amongst, amid, amidst, mid, in the midst or middle or centre of, surrounded by

Other Words for Amount

Amount Noun Synonyms: quantity, volume, mass, expanse, bulk, supply, lot, number, magnitude
Amount Verb Synonyms: a add up to, total, aggregate, come (up) to

Other Words for Ample

Ample Adjective Synonyms: broad, wide, spacious, extensive, expansive, great

Other Words for Amplify

Amplify Verb Synonyms: broaden, widen, extend, increase, expand (on), enlarge (on), expatiate on, detail, add to, augment, supplement

Other Words for Amply

Amply Adverb Synonyms: widely, broadly, extensively, greatly, expansively

Other Words for Amulet

Amulet Noun Synonyms: charm, talisman, good-luck piece, fetish

Other Words for Amuse

Amuse Verb Synonyms: divert, entertain, please, beguile, interest, occupy

Other Words for Amusement

Amusement Noun Synonyms: entertainment, diversion, recreation, pleasure, relaxation, distraction, enjoyment, fun, sport, joke, lark, beguilement

Other Words for Anachronism

Anachronism Noun Synonyms: misdate, misdating, misapplication, antedate, antedating, prochronism, postdate, postdating, parachronism

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