Other Words for A Far Cry

A Far Cry Noun Synonyms: a long way, quite a distance, remote, distant, not, not quite, very different

Other Words for A Leg Up

A Leg Up Noun Synonyms: boost, assistance, push, help, helping hand, advance, support, assist

Other Words for A Lot

A Lot Noun Synonyms: a good or great deal

Other Words for Abandon

Abandon Noun Synonyms: recklessness, intemperance, wantonness, lack of restraint, unrestraint
Abandon Verb Synonyms: give up or over, yield, surrender, leave, cede, let go, deliver (up), turn over, relinquish

Other Words for Abandoned

Abandoned Adjective Synonyms: left alone, forlorn, forsaken, deserted, neglected, rejected, shunned, cast off, cast aside, jilted, dropped, outcast

Other Words for Abbreviate

Abbreviate Verb Synonyms: shorten, compress, contract, truncate, trim, reduce, curtail

Other Words for Abbreviated

Abbreviated Adjective Synonyms: skimpy, brief, revealing

Other Words for Abbreviation

Abbreviation Noun Synonyms: initialism, acronym, shortening, contraction

Other Words for Abdicate

Abdicate Verb Synonyms: give up, renounce, disclaim, waive, disown, surrender, yield, relinquish, abandon, resign, quit

Other Words for Abduct

Abduct Verb Synonyms: kidnap, carry off, make away with, make off with, seize, snatch, grab

Other Words for Abet

Abet Verb Synonyms: encourage, urge, instigate, incite, provoke, egg on, prod, goad, aid, help, assist

Other Words for Abeyance

Abeyance Noun Synonyms: pending, abeyant, reserved, in reserve, shelved, pushed or shoved or shunted aside, postponed, put off, suspended, tabled, temporarily inactive, dormant, latent, in a holding pattern, on the back burner, on hold, in the deep-freeze

Other Words for Abhor

Abhor Verb Synonyms: hate, loathe, detest, abominate, execrate, regard or view with horror or dread or fright or repugnance or loathing or disgust, shudder at, recoil or shrink from, be or stand aghast at

Other Words for Abhorrent

Abhorrent Adjective Synonyms: hateful, detestable, abhorred, abominable, contemptible, odious, loathsome, horrid, heinous, execrable, repugnant, repulsive, repellent, revolting, offensive, disgusting, horrifying, obnoxious

Other Words for Abide

Abide Verb Synonyms: stand, endure, suffer, submit to, bear, put up with, accept, tolerate, brook

Other Words for Abide By

Abide By Verb Synonyms: consent to, agree to, comply with, observe, acknowledge, obey, follow, submit to, conform to, keep to, remain true to, stand firm by, adhere to, hold to

Other Words for Abiding

Abiding Adjective Synonyms: lasting, permanent, constant, steadfast, everlasting, unending, eternal, enduring, indestructible, unchanging, fast, hard and fast, fixed, firm, immutable, changeless

Other Words for Abilities

Abilities Noun Synonyms: faculty, faculties, talent(s), gift(s), skill(s)

Other Words for Ability

Ability Noun Synonyms: adeptness, aptitude, facility, faculty, capacity, power, knack, proficiency, know-how

Other Words for Ablaze

Ablaze Adjective Synonyms: aflame, afire, burning, on fire, alight, blazing

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