Technology / Television (TV) / Selective Use: In the study of television stars, a use of selected parts of the star's polysemy in a particular role.
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Selective Noun Synonyms: particular, discerning, discriminative, discriminating, discriminatory, eclectic, exacting, demanding, choosy, picky
Use Noun Synonyms: consume, buy, purchase, employ, utilize
Use Verb Synonyms: consume, eat, drink, smoke, take, partake of, ingest, inject, shoot (up)
Use Adjective Synonyms: employ, make use of, put into practice or operation, practise, utilize, exercise, bring into play, have recourse to, resort to, put or press into service, put to use, avail (oneself) of, say, utter, speak
Business / Agriculture / Peace Clause: Term used to refer to Article 13 of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture which exempts certain policies from challenges in the World Trade Organization so long as countries are meeting their com MORE
Business / Real Estate / Partial Release Clause: A mortgage provision under which the mortgagee agrees to release certain parcels from the lien of the blanket mortgage upon payment of a certain sum of money by the mortgagor. The clause is frequently MORE
Business / Construction / Penalty clause : A provision in a contract that provides for a reduction in the amount otherwise payable under a contract to a contractor as a penalty for failure to meet deadlines or for failure of the project to mee MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Physical Abuse: The inflicting of a non-accidental physical injury upon a child. This may include burning, hitting, punching, shaking, kicking, beating or otherwise harming a child. It may, however, have been the res MORE
Science / Astrology / Placidean Houses: The house system devised by the Spanish monk, Placidus de Tito (seventeenth century). Placidus' system, still widely used today, is based on the trisection of nocturnal and diurnal semi-arcs. The time MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Part Of The Building or House: Said of the 7 or 10 pin when it remains solidly standing after an apparently perfect hit. Used in a phrase such as, That pin must be part of the building. MORE