Screen Time

Technology / Television (TV) / Screen Time: The duration of a program--which is normally shorter than the time represented in the program's narrative (that is, its story time). E.g., the story time of one soap opera episode is typically a day or two, but its screen time is less than 60 minutes.
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Other Words for Screen

Screen Noun Synonyms: shelter, protection, shield, cover
Screen Verb Synonyms: partition, (room) divider, paravent, wall

Other Words for Time

Time Noun Synonyms: period, interval, stretch, spell, patch

Story Time

Technology / Television (TV) / Story Time: The amount of time that transpires within a program's narrative. See screen time. MORE


Technology / Television (TV) / Screenplay: Generally speaking, a written description of a program, wherein the action and dialogue are described scene-by-scene. (Terms used to describe different types of scripts vary considerably within the te MORE


Technology / Motors / Screens: Are protection which can be placed over openings in the fan cover on a fan-cooled motor or ventilation openings of a protected motor to help keep out large particles and/or animals, but not block vent MORE


Entertainment / Video Games / Screenshot: A still image of a game. MORE


Business / Human Resources (HR) / Screening: Usually the first step taken during the interviewing process, involving reviewing prospective candidate applications/resumes, verifying information supplied by the candidate, conducting interviews and MORE


Technology / Digital Cameras / Self-Timer: A setting that allows a lapse between pressing the shutter button and firing of the camera. MORE