Satellite Master Antenna (SMATV)

Technology / Television (TV) / Satellite Master Antenna (SMATV): Serves housing complexes and hotels: signals received via satellite and distributed by coaxial cable.
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Other Words for Master

Master Adjective Synonyms: expert, authority, genius, craftsman, adept, maestro, mastermind, past master, old hand, virtuoso, ace, professional, pro, wizard, dab hand, crackerjack, maven or mavin
Master Verb Synonyms: owner, head, chief, leader, chieftain, commander, lord, governor, director, controller, employer, manager, overseer, supervisor, superintendent, taskmaster, slave-driver, principal, sovereign, monarch, ruler, lord high muck-a-muck, Pooh-Bah, kingpin
Master Noun Synonyms: teacher, tutor, instructor, guide, leader, guru, swami

Other Words for Satellite

Satellite Adjective Synonyms: moon, spacecraft, sputnik

Radar Antenna

Technology / Radar / Radar Antenna: A radar antenna is a physical object used to focus, direct and concentrate electromagnetic energy into a specific direction. The most common types of radar antenna are parabolic reflectors and phased MORE

Roof-Mount Antenna

Technology / Home Audio / Roof-Mount Antenna: A permanently-installed antenna located in the center of a vehicle's roof. MORE


Science / Genetics / Satellite: A chromosomal segment that branches off from the rest of the chromosome but is still connected by a thin filament or stalk. MORE


Technology / Email / Postmaster: The person who manages mail servers at an organization. Usually the one to contact at a particular server/site to get help, information, or to log complaints. MORE

Polar-Orbiting Satellite

Science / Weather / Polar-Orbiting Satellite: A satellite whose orbit passes over both of the earth's between poles. MORE

Mobile Satellite Service

Technology / Cell Phones / Mobile Satellite Service: Powerful communications transmission service provided by satellites. A single satellite can provide coverage to the whole United States. MORE