Technology / Television (TV) / Post Buy Analysis: An analysis of schedule performance after it runs: offers a means of measuring a media buy as run versus goal or original estimate of achievement.
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Analysis Noun Synonyms: examination, investigation, study, scrutiny, enquiry or inquiry, dissection, assay, breakdown, division
Buy Noun Synonyms: purchase, acquisition
Buy Verb Synonyms: purchase, acquire, obtain, get, procure, gain, come by, secure
Post Verb Synonyms: place, put, station, assign, appoint, position, situate, set, locate
Post Noun Synonyms: assignment, appointment, position, situation, job, place, duty, role, function, employment, work, task, chore
Post Adverb Synonyms: pole, stake, upright, column, pillar, pale, picket, shaft, standard, newel, pier, pylon, pile, piling, strut, shore, stanchion, leg, prop, stay, support, brace
Business / Construction / Post-And-Beam: A basic building method that uses just a few hefty posts and beams to support an entire structure. Contrasts with stud framing. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Post-Accident Testing: The process of testing an employee involved in a workplace accident for the presence of drugs or alcohol. MORE
Business / Finance / Post-Audit: A set of procedures for evaluating a capital budgeting decision after the fact. MORE
Business / Accounting / Post-Closing Trial Balance: A listing of all real account balances after the closing process has been completed: provides a means of testing whether total debits equal total credits for all real accounts prior to beginning a new MORE
Business / Finance / Post-Dated Check: A check that becomes payable and negotiable on a future date specified. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Post- Tax Contributions: Contributions made to a benefit plan that are subject to applicable state or federal tax withholding requirements. MORE