Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)

Technology / Television (TV) / Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG): It refers to a set of standards as defined up by the Moving Pictures Experts Group, and that defines the digital signal compression technology used among others, by digital satellite TV systems. Compressing the audio and video signals allows more channels to be broadcast over the same bandwidth. Satellite TV systems use two different versions of this standard:
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Other Words for Group

Group Adjective Synonyms: assembly, assemblage, gathering, congregation, company, number, alliance, union, association, organization, league, society, coterie, clique, set, band, circle, club, party, body, faction, crowd, team, corps, guild, troupe, unit, troop, platoon, squad
Group Noun Synonyms: batch, aggregation, set, grouping, collection, assemblage, bunch, accumulation, conglomeration, agglomeration, assortment, series, pile, heap, bundle

Other Words for Moving

Moving Noun Synonyms: touching, poignant, emotive, affecting, stirring, heart-rending, emotional, telling, effective, impressive, striking, compelling, pathetic, exciting, thrilling, inspiring, inspirational, impelling, persuasive

Other Words for Picture

Picture Noun Synonyms: model, prototype, epitome, essence, embodiment, incarnation, personification, perfect example
Picture Adjective Synonyms: drawing, painting, representation, portrait, depiction, artwork, illustration, sketch, photograph

Monophyletic Group

Science / Biology / Monophyletic Group: A group of organisms descended from a common ancestor. For example: your immediate family may be considered such a group, being descended from a common ancestral group (grandparents, etc.). MORE

Marriage Group

Entertainment / Literature / Marriage Group: A term coined by George L. Kittredge in 1912 to describe a specific set of stories in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The marriage group includes 'The Wife of Bath's Tale,' 'The Clerk's Tale,' 'The Mercha MORE

Main Group Elements

Science / Chemistry / Main Group Elements: Elements of the s and p blocks. MORE