Technology / Television (TV) / Advertising Weight: A measure of advertising delivery, normally stated in terms of number of commercials, homes reached, target audience impressions, and gross rating points.
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Weight Verb Synonyms: heaviness, avoirdupois, mass, tonnage, heft
Weight Noun Synonyms: arrange, manipulate, bias, incline, slant, rig
Entertainment / Bowling / Thumb Weight: Method of drilling the ball so that the thumbhole is closer to the label than are the finger holes; it is considered a negative weight; see finger weight. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Swing Weight: The relative weight of a clubhead's leverage (usually measured on a scale with a 12 or 14-inch fulcrum), technically - moment of inertia, or the tendency of a body to resist angular acceleration: swin MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Top Weight: Drilling of a ball so that there is more weight above the label than there is below; it is considered a positive weight. See bottom weight. MORE
Business / Taxes / Underweighted: When you own less of a security, an asset class, or a subclass than your target asset allocation calls for, you are said to be underweighted in that security, asset class, or subclass. For example, if MORE
Science / Chemistry / Weight: Weight is the force exerted by an object in a gravitational field. The weight of an object (W) arises from its mass (m): W = mg where g is the acceleration due to gravity (about 9.8 m/s2 on Earth). MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Unsprung Weight: The mass of the motorcycle that is not supported by the suspension, such as the wheels, brakes, tires, etc. (Also known as unsprung mass). For comparison, the rest of the motorcycle that is supported MORE