Technology / Television (TV) / Access Card: Also know as a smart card, is a removable credit card-size plastic card included with each satellite TV receiver. It identifies each receiver within your satellite TV system, stores your programming access, and keeps a record of Pay-Per-View (PPV) usage.
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Card Noun Synonyms: playing-card, pasteboard
Business / Agriculture / Minimum Access: In the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, countries are obliged to provide minimum levels of imports for products subject to tariffication. Access is assured by tariff-rate quotas. MORE
Health / Herbs / Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca): Antispasm, nervine hepatic, cardiac tonic, hypotensive. The latin names of this plant show its range of uses from delayed menstrual due to anxiety and uterine conditions while cardiaca indicates its u MORE
Technology / Computers / Media Access Control (MAC) Address: In networking, MAC Address refers to the globally unique hardware address of an Ethernet network interface card. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Market Access Program (MAP): MAP, previously called the Market Promotion Program, is administered by the Foreign Agricultural Service and uses funds from the Commodity Credit Corporation. It helps producers, exporters, private co MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Japanese Total Access Communication (JTAC): Like the European TACS, JTAC is the Japanese analog cellular system. MORE