Technology / Rockets / Case Bonded: A propellant grain cast directly into a chamber and made to bond securely to the chamber wall.
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Case Noun Synonyms: instance, example, event, occurrence, happening, occasion, circumstance, state, situation
Case Verb Synonyms: encase, box, crate, pack, package, containerize
Business / Construction / Casement Window: A window with hinges on one of the vertical sides and swings open like a normal door MORE
Business / Construction / Casement: Frames of wood or metal enclosing part (or all) of a window sash. May be opened by means of hinges affixed to the vertical edges. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Casein: The major portion of milk protein, manufactured from skim milk and used in processed foods (such as dessert toppings and coffee whiteners) and in industrial products such as glue, paint and plastics. MORE
Health / Disease / Case-Control Study: A study that compares exposures of people who have a disease or condition (cases) with people who do not have the disease or condition (controls). Exposures that are more common among the cases may be MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Caseworker Competency: Demonstrated professional behaviors based on the knowledge, skills, personal qualities and values a person holds. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Ever-Ready Case: Camera case that can be opened, allowing the camera to be used without removing it. A front flap hinges down to uncover the lens, viewfinder and camera controls. MORE