Technology / Radar / Moving Radar: Is radar that clocks vehicles while the patrol vehicle is moving. Typically, the targets are those approaching in the opposite lane of traffic but, depending on the radar model, can sometimes be used to clock vehicles going away from the patrol vehicle in the opposite lane or even moving in the same direction (for example, decatur genesis ii directional police radar or its newest incornation - decatur speed trak police radar w/ k-band directional antenna). These moving radars also ?€?clock?€™ the patrol vehicle by measuring the speed of the ground passing beneath the patrol car and interpreting this as the patrol speed. This speed is deducted from the closing speed of the target thereby giving its speed.
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Moving Noun Synonyms: touching, poignant, emotive, affecting, stirring, heart-rending, emotional, telling, effective, impressive, striking, compelling, pathetic, exciting, thrilling, inspiring, inspirational, impelling, persuasive
Technology / Radar / Same Lane Radar: Uses dual antenna moving radar to clock vehicles ahead or behind a rolling cruiser. Example: decatur genesis i moving police radar w/ dual k-band antenna. MORE
Technology / Radar / Radar Reflector: A metal device designed for reflecting strong echoes of impinging radar signals towards their source. The corner reflector consists of three mutually perpendicular metal plates. Corner reflectors are MORE
Technology / Radar / Radar Receivers: Clutter is a major practical problem in the use of radar systems. Radar receivers often incorporate special techniques to to minimise clutter. MORE