Technology / Radar / Fast Speed Tracking: Track both the strongest and the next faster vehicle at the same time, both in the moving and stationary mode of operation. For example: track the sports car passing the 18-wheeler. Most of decatur police radars offer fast speed tracking.
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Fast Verb Synonyms: quick, swift, fleet, speedy, brisk, brief, hurried, hasty, high-speed, accelerated, expeditious, rapid, express
Fast Adverb Synonyms: closely, close to, immediately, near, (close) on, right
Fast Adjective Synonyms: loose, profligate, wild, extravagant, dissipated, intemperate, irresponsible, sybaritic, self-indulgent, dissolute, unrestrained, indecorous, rakish, licentious, promiscuous, immoral, wanton, lecherous, lustful
Speed Noun Synonyms: rapidity, fleetness, quickness, speediness, swiftness, velocity, dispatch or despatch, hurry, hurriedness, haste, hastiness, celerity, alacrity, expeditiousness, expedition, briskness, promptness, timeliness, suddenness, precipitateness, precipitousness,
Speed Adjective Synonyms: hasten, make haste, hurry, rush, charge, dart, bolt, shoot, run, race, sprint, fly, streak, scurry, tear, hustle, scramble, scamper, career, bowl along, go or fly like the wind, go hell for leather, go like a bat out of hell, belt along, step on it
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Technology / Radar / Selectable Direction Tracking: This mode of radar operation allows the operator to monitor targets that are only going toward the patrol vehicle, away from it, or in both directions. Example: decatur gvp-d police radar gun w/ k-ban MORE
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