Method Declaration

Technology / Programming / Method Declaration: This is the declaration of a function within a class, where its signature is defined. In c++, this is often done in the .h header file: int chartoint(char ch):, in arduino this is also sometimes done in an .h file, though it doesn?€™t always need to be. In processing, method declarations and definitions are done at the same time.
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Other Words for Declaration

Declaration Noun Synonyms: statement, assertion, attestation, deposition, asseveration, affirmation, avowal, announcement, proclamation, pronouncement, profession

Other Words for Method

Method Adjective Synonyms: way, means, procedure, approach, route, avenue, road, mode, manner, technique, process, routine, modus operandi, plan, scheme, programme, course, routine, practice, pattern, system, methodology, M.O.

Purchase Method

Business / Accounting / Purchase Method: A method used to prepare consolidated financial statements when one company has acquired a controlling interest in another company with similar activities by exchanging cash or other assets for more t MORE

Proprietary Method

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Proprietary Method: sales term often used by SEO service providers to imply that they can do something unique to achieve ?€?Top Ten Rankings?€?. MORE

Previous Balance Method

Business / Finance / Previous Balance Method: Method of calculating finance charges based on the account balance at the end of the previous month. MORE