Technology / Programming / Header File: In an openframeworks class or arduino library, the .h or header file is where the declarations of a method and a class are stored.
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File Verb Synonyms: document, documentation, dossier, case, data, folder, portfolio, information
File Noun Synonyms: line, queue, column, row, rank
Entertainment / Photography / Photo File Index Print: Makes ordering reprints and enlargements easy. A small print shows a positive, 'thumbnail' version of every picture on an aps roll. Each thumbnail picture is numbered on the index print to match the f MORE
Business / Finance / Profile Buyer-Seller: Trader trying to get involved in a stock who presents self as a buyer-seller to draw a call from a customer. That is the trader has nothing real, or natural. MORE
Science / Weather / Profiler: A type of Doppler radar that typically measures both wind speed and direction from the surface to 55,000 feet in the atmosphere. MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Pdf Files: Adobe's Portable Document Format (pdf) is a translation format used primarily for distributing files across a network, or on a web site. Files with a .pdf extension have been created in another applic MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organizational Profile: An organizational profile is a depiction of the staffing pattern within an establishment. It is one method contractors use to determine whether barriers to equal employment opportunity exist in their MORE