Technology / Programming / Concept: A concept contains a set of requirements that describe a family of abstractions, typically data types. Examples of concepts include input iterator, graph, and equality comparable.
Search Google for Concept:
Entertainment / Video Games / Proof of Concept (POC): An early iteration of a game, created with the intention of determining the feasibility of a gameplay concept. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Concept Search: A search which attempts to conceptually match results with the query, not necessarily with those words, rather their concept. For example, if a search engine understands a phrase to be related to anot MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / High Concept: A very short statement of the basic concept or 'hook' of a game. The high concept of the Steven Segal movie 'Under Siege' was, 'Die Hard on a battleship.' MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Conceptual Links: Links which search engines attempt to understand beyond just the words in them. Some rather advanced search engines are attempting to find out the concept links versus just matching the words of the t MORE
Technology / Programming / Concept-Based Overloading: Concept-based overloading selects the most specific algorithm from a set of specializations of a given algorithm. MORE
Technology / Programming / Conceptual Abstraction: The ability for people to create different points of view on a design, depending on the relevant degree of detail. Through stepwise refinement, one traverses multiple levels of abstraction. Similarly, MORE