Technology / Motorcycle / Plunger Suspension: In the 1930?€™s the ?€?plunger?€? motorcycle frame suspension began to replace the rigid frames of earlier bikes. This was designed so the rear axle would move up and down two vertical posts to absorb road bumps. (Later replaced by the swingarm suspension).
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Suspension Verb Synonyms: debarring, disbarment, exclusion, elimination, rejection, expulsion, ejection, eviction, deprivation, denial
Science / Marine Biology / Suspension Feeder: An organism that feeds by capturing particles suspended in the water column MORE
Health / Dentistry / Suspension Ligament: The ligament arising from a bone surface which surrounds and supports an endosseous or subperiosteal implant. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Tentacle-Tube-Foot Suspension Feeder: Suspension feeder that traps particles on distinct tentacles or tube feet (in echinoderms) MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Willing Suspension Of Disbelief: Temporarily and willingly setting aside our beliefs about reality in order to enjoy the make-believe of a play, a poem, film, or a story. Perfectly intelligent readers can enjoy tall-tales about Pecos MORE
Business / Agriculture / Suspension: A process under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act by which the Environmental Protection Agency can suspend the use of a pesticide in order to prevent an imminent hazard resulting MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Plunger Suspension: In the 1930?€™s the ?€?plunger?€? motorcycle frame suspension began to replace the rigid frames of earlier bikes. This was designed so the rear axle would move up and down two vertical posts t MORE