New Werner Motorcycle

Technology / Motorcycle / New Werner Motorcycle: Unveiled at the 1901 Cycle & Motor Show in Paris, the ?€?New Werner?€? is one of the early motorbikes to have its engine mounted in the lower part of the frame (most motorcycles since then use this engine placement). The model is named after Russian brothers, Michel and Eugene Werner.
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Other Words for New

New Adverb Synonyms: novel, original, unique, unusual, different, fresh, creative, imaginative, brand-new
New Adjective Synonyms: fresh, further, additional, supplemental, supplementary

Newborns And Mothers Health Protection Act (NMHPA)

Health / Health Insurance / Newborns And Mothers Health Protection Act (NMHPA): A federal law which mandates that coverage for hospital stays for childbirth cannot generally be less than 48 hours for normal deliveries or 96 hours for cesarean births. MORE

Newbie or Noob

Entertainment / Video Games / Newbie or Noob: Term used to describe an inexperienced player, or to be derogatory about another player?€™s skills. There are many spellings used, often using leetspeak: 'newbie,' 'newb,' 'noob,' 'n00b,' or even MORE


Business / Internet Marketing / Newbie: A term to describe anyone new to an area, whether it be a particular forum online or the Internet. MORE

New-Issues Market

Business / Finance / New-Issues Market: The market in which a new issue of securities is first sold to investors. This is not a separate market but refers to a niche of the overall market. MORE

Newborns And Mothers Health Protection Act (NMHPA) Of 1996

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Newborns And Mothers Health Protection Act (NMHPA) Of 1996: Requires a minimum length of hospital confinement in conjunction with childbirth. This requirement applies to health plans and health insurance companies that provide hospital stays for childbirth in MORE

Newel Post

Business / Construction / Newel Post: The large starting post to which the end of a stair guard railing or balustrade is fastened. MORE