Technology / Motorcycle / CE Armor: A European system of grading motorcycle protective armor that encompasses both energy absorption capability as well as pad shape and size. The armor or pads are designed to offer added protection to a rider going down on a motorcycle, particularly in the event of sliding or lesser impacts. CE armor is made of hard foam pieces encapsulated in softer foam which compresses on impact. In other words, it?€™s like a helmet: if you land on it, you must replace it.
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Technology / Motorcycle / Armor: Protective padding used to reinforce motorcycle apparel. It is designed to absorb energy on impact to help protect the rider in the event of a crash. Armor is available to better protect a rider?€ MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Open Source: Software which is distributed with its source code such that developers can modify it as they see fit. On the web open source is a great strategy for quickly building immense exposure and mindshare. MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Open Stance: Hitting the ball with the body facing between parallel to the baseline and facing the opponent; a modern technique. MORE