Average Power

Technology / Home Audio / Average Power: The result of multiplying the rms value of the voltage by the rms value of the current in an electronic circuit. It is expressed in watts (W) for resistive loads and in voltamperes (VA) for reactive loads. The real power is usually less because of losses when the power factor is accounted.
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Other Words for Average

Average Noun Synonyms: mean, norm,ual, standard
Average Adjective Synonyms: normal, common,ual, customary, general, typical, ordinary, regular

Other Words for Power

Power Noun Synonyms: control, command, authority
Power Verb Synonyms: control, dominance, authority, mastery, rule, influence, sway, command, ascendancy, sovereignty, dominion, weight, clout, pull, drag

Power Loading

Technology / Aviation / Power Loading: The GROSS WEIGHT of an airplane divided by the rated horsepower, computed for Standard Air density. MORE

Power Of Attorney

Business / Debt / Power Of Attorney: A document which authorises a person to act on behalf of another is a power of attorney. MORE

Power Lifts

Health / Fitness / Power Lifts: Three movements used in power lifting competition; the squat, bench press and dead lift. MORE

Power Leak

Entertainment / Golf / Power Leak: Some error interferring with the efficient sequence of movements and delivery of force in the full swing MORE

Power Handling

Technology / Home Audio / Power Handling: A measure of how much amplifier power, in watts, a speaker can take before it is damaged. MORE

Power Lay-Up Shot

Entertainment / Basketball / Power Lay-Up Shot: A lay-up used when closely guarded. MORE