Technology / Email / SMTP Log File: A file showing all conversations back and forth between servers during the email send and receive process. Used to uncover problems with various deliverability factors such as unknown user rates.
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File Verb Synonyms: document, documentation, dossier, case, data, folder, portfolio, information
File Noun Synonyms: line, queue, column, row, rank
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Moschofilero: Pronounced 'mos co fee le ro'. Has alternative name spelling 'Moschophilero'. White-wine grape widely grown in the Mantinia AOC region of the Peloponnese, southern Greece. Usually vinified to give a l MORE
Lifestyle / Christmas Trees / Morphology: Dealing with form and structure. MORE
Science / Biology / Morphological Convergence: The evolution of basically dissimilar structures to serve a common function. For example: the wings of birds and insects. MORE
Science / Astrology / Mundane Astrology: That branch of astrology that deals with world events and universal trends rather than the individual. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Musicology: The study of forms, history, science, and methods of music. MORE