
Technology / Email / Opt-Out: A specific request to remove an email address from a specific list, or from all lists operated by a single owner. Also, the process of adding an email addresses to lists without the name's pre-approval, forcing names who don't want to be on your list to actively unsubscribe.
Search Google for Opt-Out:

Opt-Out Privilege

Health / Dentistry / Opt-Out Privilege: A general term used when some benefits are available for out-of-network covered services. Often coverage is less than the coverage available for in-network services, and the covered person has to pay MORE

Opt-Out Provision

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Opt-Out Provision: An employer benefit plan provision that offers cash, extra benefits or additional credits in return for an employee reducing the level of benefits he or she selects under a flexible benefit/cafeteria- MORE

Opt In Opt Out

Business / Internet Marketing / Opt In Opt Out: An email marketing promotion that typically gives consumers an opportunity to 'opt in' (taking action to be part of the promotion) or to 'opt out' (taking action to not be part of the promotion). Mark MORE

Double Opt-In

Technology / Email / Double Opt-In: A process that requires new list joiners to take an action (such as clicking on an emailed link to a personal confirmation page) in order to confirm that they do want to be on the list. Sometimes inte MORE

Privacy Policy

Technology / Email / Privacy Policy: A clear description of how your company uses the email addresses and other information it gathers via opt-in requests for newsletters, company information or third-party offers or other functions. If MORE

Affirmative Consent

Technology / Email / Affirmative Consent: An active request by a reader or subscriber to receive advertising or promotional information, newsletters, etc. Generally affirmative consent does not included the following -- failing to uncheck a p MORE