Technology / Email / Multi-Part MIME: Also known (confusingly) as an 'email sniffer.' Message format which includes both an HTML and a text-only version in the same message. Most (but not all) email clients receiving messages in this format will automatically display the version the user's system is set to show. Systems that can't show HTML should show the text version instead. This doesn't always work ? in particular for many Lotus Notes users. Also, no data, except HTML open rates and possibly link click tracking, is transmitted back to the sender regarding which version a recipient wound up viewing.
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Entertainment / Music / Pantomime: Theatrical genre in which an actor silently plays all the parts in a show while accompanied by singing: originated in ancient Rome. MORE
Technology / Email / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME): An encoding method designed for exchanging binary files over the Internet (particularly via email messages) in a standardized, platform-independent form using a coding scheme called base64. A MIME-enc MORE
Technology / Computers / Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): A standard that allows for the attachment of files such as images, sounds and animations to electronic mail messages. This preset information is preloaded in to the Web server and the Internet browser MORE