Mail Loop

Technology / Email / Mail Loop: A communication error between two email servers, usually happening when a misconfigured email triggers an automated response from the recipient server.
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Other Words for Loop

Loop Verb Synonyms: hoop, noose, ring, circle, bow, eye, eyelet, coil, whorl, bend

Other Words for Mail

Mail Adjective Synonyms: post, correspondence, letters

Mail-Order Pharmacy Programs

Health / Health Insurance / Mail-Order Pharmacy Programs: Programs that offer drugs ordered and delivered through the mail to plan members at a reduced cost. MORE

Mail Loop

Technology / Email / Mail Loop: A communication error between two email servers, usually happening when a misconfigured email triggers an automated response from the recipient server. MORE

Mailing List

Technology / Email / Mailing List: A list of email addresses that receive mailings or discussion-group messages. MORE


Technology / Email / Mailto: A code to make an email address in either a text or HTML email immediately clickable (mailto:[email protected]). When the link is clicked, it usually opens the user's email client and inserts the e MORE

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME)

Technology / Email / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME): An encoding method designed for exchanging binary files over the Internet (particularly via email messages) in a standardized, platform-independent form using a coding scheme called base64. A MIME-enc MORE

Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

Technology / Computers / Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): A standard that allows for the attachment of files such as images, sounds and animations to electronic mail messages. This preset information is preloaded in to the Web server and the Internet browser MORE