List Host

Technology / Email / List Host: See email vendors.
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Other Words for Host

Host Adjective Synonyms: army, swarm, crowd, horde, multitude, throng, mob, pack, herd, troop, legion, body, assembly, assemblage, drove
Host Noun Synonyms: hostess, innkeeper, hotelier, hotel-keeper, hotelman, landlord or landlady, manager or manageress, proprietor or proprietress, publican

Other Words for List

List Noun Synonyms: listing, roster, roll, rota, catalogue, directory, register, index, record, schedule, muster, slate, beadroll, laundry list, shopping list, inventory, file, tabulation, bibliography, liber veritatis, catalogue raisonn‚
List Verb Synonyms: lean, tilt, slant, heel, tip, cant, slope, inclination

Most Active List

Business / Finance / Most Active List: The stocks with the highest volume of trading on a certain day. MORE


Technology / Motorcycle / Motorcyclist: A Motorcyclist is one who rides a motorcycle or bike. The similar term Biker brings up a different image to most people. There is not as much of a lifestyle change associated with the term Motorcyclis MORE

Multiple Listing

Business / Finance / Multiple Listing: An agreement used by a broker who is a member of a multiple-listing organization, providing the exclusive right to sell, with the additional authority and obligation to distribute the listing to the o MORE

Minimalist Music

Entertainment / Music / Minimalist Music: Contemporary musical style featuring the repetition of short melodic, rhythmic and harmonic patterns with little variation. See also spiritual minimalism. MORE

Memo List

Technology / Home Audio / Memo List: A Custom File feature that allows the user to toggle through the discs, selection titles, or station call letters currently loaded without interrupting playback of the existing disc or station. MORE

Mailing List

Technology / Email / Mailing List: A list of email addresses that receive mailings or discussion-group messages. MORE