House List

Technology / Email / House List: The list of email addresses an organization develops on its own. (Your own list.)
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Other Words for House

House Verb Synonyms: family, line, lineage, dynasty, clan, ancestry, strain, race, blood, descendants, forebears
House Noun Synonyms: legislature, legislative body, congress, parliament, assembly, council, diet
House Adverb Synonyms: residence, dwelling, dwelling-place, home, abode, household, homestead, domicile, lodging(s), quarters, building, edifice

Other Words for List

List Noun Synonyms: listing, roster, roll, rota, catalogue, directory, register, index, record, schedule, muster, slate, beadroll, laundry list, shopping list, inventory, file, tabulation, bibliography, liber veritatis, catalogue raisonn‚
List Verb Synonyms: lean, tilt, slant, heel, tip, cant, slope, inclination


Technology / Email / List: The list of email addresses to which you send your message. Can be either your house list or a third-party list that sends your message on your behalf. MORE

New Listing

Business / Finance / New Listing: A security that has just been entered on a stock or bond exchange for trading. MORE

Net Listing

Business / Real Estate / Net Listing: An employment contract in which the broker receives as commission all excess monies over and above the minimum sales price agreed on by broker and seller. Because of the danger of unethical practices MORE

Nihilistic Delusion

Science / Psychiatry / Nihilistic Delusion: delusional belief that oneself, or others or the world does not exist or is about to cease to exist MORE

Ninth House

Science / Astrology / Ninth House: Also known as the House of Philosophy. It represents religion, travel, foreign countries, in-laws, higher education, publishing, import/export and ethics. MORE

Naturalistic Performance

Technology / Television (TV) / Naturalistic Performance: Performance style in which the actor attempts to create a character that the audience will accept as a plausible and believable human being, rather than an actor trying to portray someone. MORE