Technology / Email / Forward: The process in which email recipients send your message to people they know, either because they think their friends will be interested in your message or because you offer incentives to forward messages. Forwarding can be done through the recipient's own email client or by giving the recipient a link to click, which brings up a registration page at your site, in which you ask the forwarded to give his/her name and email address, the name/email address of the person they want to send to and (optionally) a brief email message explaining the reason for the forward. You can supply the wording or allow the forward to write his/her own message.
Search Google for Forward:
Forward Adjective Synonyms: (well-)advanced, (well-)developed, progressive, precocious, forward-looking
Forward Verb Synonyms: speed (up), accelerate, advance, hasten, expedite, hurry, quicken, step up
Forward Noun Synonyms: advance, leading, foremost, front, head, first
Forward Adverb Synonyms: advance, further, promote, back, foster, support, aid, assist, help, patronize, encourage, nourish, nurse along
Health / Yoga / Sideways Forward Bend (Parsvottanasana): A standing pose. Stand with your feet 3 to 3.5-feet apart, turning your left foot in and your right foot out. Hands should rest on your hips. Rotate body to one side and bend the body forward at the g MORE
Health / Yoga / Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana): A seated pose. Sit in Rod or Staff pose. Extend your body forward. Flatten the back and bring your hands down to your feet. MORE
Business / Finance / Forward Discount: Annualized percentage difference between spot and forward rates. MORE