Email Change of Address (ECOA)

Technology / Email / Email Change of Address (ECOA): A process that provides updated email addresses for data files based on consumer-provided, permission-based data.
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Other Words for Address

Address Noun Synonyms: speech, talk, discourse, oration, lecture, sermon
Address Verb Synonyms: speak or talk to, deliver or give a speech to, lecture

Other Words for Change

Change Verb Synonyms: exchange, interchange, switch, trade, replace (with), substitute, swap or swop
Change Noun Synonyms: substitution, replacement, exchange, interchange, switch

Parts Of Speech

Entertainment / Literature / Parts Of Speech: The traditional eight divisions or categories for words as described by the Latin grammarian Aelius Donatus around 350 CE, which he is turn borrowed from earlier Greek categories. In English, these ar MORE

Part Of The Building or House

Entertainment / Bowling / Part Of The Building or House: Said of the 7 or 10 pin when it remains solidly standing after an apparently perfect hit. Used in a phrase such as, That pin must be part of the building. MORE

Part Of The Building

Entertainment / Bowling / Part Of The Building: An expression used to describe a standing single pin after an apparent perfect hit. MORE

Part Of Fortune

Science / Astrology / Part Of Fortune: The Arabian Part most commonly used by western astrologers. Calculated by subtracting the Sun's position from the sum of the Ascendant's and Moon's positions, the degree occupied by the Part of Fortun MORE

Patient Bill Of Rights

Health / Health Insurance / Patient Bill Of Rights: Refers to the Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, a report prepared by the President's Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry in an effort to ensu MORE

Payments In Lieu Of Taxes (PILT)

Business / Agriculture / Payments In Lieu Of Taxes (PILT): A program administered by the Bureau of Land Management of the Department of the Interior to compensate counties for the tax-exempt status of federal lands: the fixed payments per entitlement acre (on MORE