Technology / Email / CPA: Cost per Action (also can be Acquisition). A method of paying for advertising, or calculating results from non-CPA marketing.
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Business / Agriculture / Dacthal (DCPA): A selective herbicide, trade name Dacthal, used especially on vegetables. DCPA and its breakdown products are environmentally significant and became the most commonly detected pesticide residues in an MORE
Business / Accounting / Certified Public Accountant (CPA): A special designation given to an accountant who has passed a national uniform examination and has met other certifying requirements: CPA certificates are issued and monitored by state boards of accou MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Cost Per Action (CPA): A form of advertising where payment is dependent upon an action that a user performs. The action could be making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or asking for a follow-up call. An advertiser MORE
Business / Accounting / Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA): Legislation requiring any company that has publicly-traded stock to maintain records that accurately and fairly represent the company's transactions: additionally, requires any publicly-traded company MORE
Business / Taxes / Financial Planner: A financial planner evaluates your personal finances and helps you develop a financial plan to meet both your immediate needs and your long-term goals. Some, but not all, planners have credentials fro MORE