
Technology / Email / Broadcast: The process of sending the same email message to multiple recipients.
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Other Words for Broadcast

Broadcast Noun Synonyms: programme, show, transmission, telecast
Broadcast Verb Synonyms: air, transmit, relay, radio, televise, telecast

National Association Of Broadcasters (NAB)

Technology / Television (TV) / National Association Of Broadcasters (NAB): A non-profit organization supported by TV and radio broadcasters whose purpose is to demonstrate to legislative bodies and other interested parties that broadcasters can maintain adequate standards wi MORE

Broadcast Standards And Practices (BSP)

Technology / Television (TV) / Broadcast Standards And Practices (BSP): The units within TV networks that make sure offensive material is not broadcast--TV's internal censors. MORE

Terrestrial Broadcasting

Technology / Television (TV) / Terrestrial Broadcasting: A broadcast signal transmitted 'over-the-air' from a ground-based transmitter to an antenna. MORE

Broadcast Calendar

Technology / Television (TV) / Broadcast Calendar: This standard Broadcast calendar, created in the 1960s, is designed to conform to the uniform billing period adopted by Broadcasters, Agencies and Advertisers for billing and planning functions. Under MORE

Thought Broadcasting

Science / Psychiatry / Thought Broadcasting: The delusion that ones thoughts are being broadcast out loud so that they can be perceived by others. MORE

Digital Audio Broadcasting

Technology / Television (TV) / Digital Audio Broadcasting: A broadcast standard which describes the method of transmitting digital audio. MORE