Technology / Email / Application Program Interface (API): How a program (application) accesses another to transmit data. A client may have an API connection to load database information to an email vendor automatically and receive data back from the email.
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Application Noun Synonyms: use, employment, utilization, practice, operation
Program Noun Synonyms: schedule, plan, scheme, agenda, order of the day, routine, protocol, slate, list, listing, description, outline, abstract, , calendar, menu, bill of fare, curriculum, syllabus, synopsis, summary, prospectus
Program Verb Synonyms: performance, production, show, presentation, (radio or television) play, telecast, broadcast, recital, concert
Business / Agriculture / Nutrition Program For The Elderly (NPE): This program, authorized under Title III of the Older Americans Act, provides (1) basic grants to operate nutrition programs for the elderly, such as 'meals-on-wheels' and congregate dining programs, MORE
Business / Agriculture / Nutrition Education And Training (NET) Program: Authorizes grants to states for a nutrition education program targeting school children, teachers, parents, and food service workers. The program is authorized under the Child Nutrition Act through FY MORE
Technology / Programming / Object-Oriented Programming: Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that focuses by constructing objects (instances of classes) which interact with each other to solve problems. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Outreach Programs: A method of keeping employees informed of company programs and services available to them by utilizing such things as postings, newsletters, memos or meetings. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Peanut Price Support Program: The federal program that supports the farm price of peanuts by offering price support loans to peanut growers and by placing limits on the amount of peanuts allowed to be sold for domestic food use. F MORE
Business / Agriculture / Nutrition Assistance Programs: Federal programs in Puerto Rico and American Samoa that provide food assistance through block grant funds in lieu of food stamps, and to the Northern Marianas under a covenant governing U.S. relations MORE