
Technology / Computers / User: Someone attached to a server or host.
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Other Words for User

User Noun Synonyms: alcohol or drug or narcotic addict
User Adjective Synonyms: consumer, buyer, purchaser, owner, operator

Multiuser System

Technology / Computers / Multiuser System: A configuration or computer system in which computer terminals share the same central processing unit. Most commonly seen with super-computers, where several users with terminals can login simultaneou MORE

User Generated Content (UGC)

Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / User Generated Content (UGC): Social Media, wikis, Folksonomies, and some blogs rely heavily on User Generated Content. One could say that Google is exploiting the entire web as UGC for an advertising venue. MORE

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Technology / Computers / Graphical User Interface (GUI): A program interface that takes advantage of the computer's graphics capabilities to make the program easier to use. Well-designed graphical user interfaces can free the user from learning complex comm MORE

User Fees

Business / Agriculture / User Fees: Any of various charges and assessments levied on a specifically delineated group that is directly subject to a particular government service, program, or activity: such fees are not levied on the gene MORE

End User License Agreement (EULA)

Entertainment / Video Games / End User License Agreement (EULA): The legal 'contract' that an end user of a computer software program ostensibly agrees to (by clicking 'Yes' or 'Agree') and that governs what rights in the program are reserved by its publisher, and MORE

Unique Users

Business / Internet Marketing / Unique Users: The total number of different users, or different computer terminals which have visited a Web site. This is measured using advanced tracking technology or user registration. MORE