Technology / Computers / Subscriber Unit (SU): An alternate term for cable modem.
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Unit Noun Synonyms: element, component, entity, part, item, constituent, piece, portion, segment, section, module
Entertainment / Photography / Slave Unit: Mechanism which fires other flash sources simultaneously when a photo-electric cell is activated by the illumination emitted by a camera linked flash. MORE
Business / Finance / Specialist Unit: Market in a stock made solely by the specialist, as no public orders, and henceforth no depth, exist in the market. MORE
Science / Biology / Secondary Immunity: Resistance to an antigen the second time it appears. Because of the presence of B and T memory cells produced during the first exposure to the antigen, the second response is faster and more massive a MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / School-To-Work Opportunities Act Of 1994: A national effort to develop a school-to-work system to assist students in making the transition from school to the adult workforce. The goal of the Act is to create well-marked paths students can fol MORE
Science / Biology / Ribosomal Subunits: Two units that combine with mRNA to form the ribosomal-mRNA complex at which protein synthesis occurs. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Rural Community Advancement Program (RCAP): A program established by the rural development Title of the FAIR Act of 1996 under which USDA is authorized to provide state rural development block grants, direct and guaranteed loans, and other assi MORE