Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Technology / Computers / Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): When you're exchanging electronic mail on the Internet, SMTP is what keeps the process orderly. It's a protocol that regulates what goes on between the mail servers.
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Other Words for Mail

Mail Adjective Synonyms: post, correspondence, letters

Other Words for Protocol

Protocol Noun Synonyms: rule(s) or code(s) or standard(s) of behavior or conduct, convention(s), custom(s), diplomacy, formality, formalities, form, etiquette, politesse, manners, practice,age, authority

Other Words for Simple

Simple Adjective Synonyms: unsophisticated, naive, slow, slow-witted, stupid, thick, thickheaded, simple-minded, feeble-minded, oafish, bovine, dense, obtuse, dull, dull-witted, witless, halfwitted, brainless, backward, imbecilic or imbecile, cretinous, dumb, mo
Simple Verb Synonyms: uncomplicated, plain, uninvolved, unsophisticated, understandable, intelligible, (easily) understood, comprehensible, clear, lucid, straightforward, easy, elementary, basic

Other Words for Transfer

Transfer Verb Synonyms: move, transport, convey, remove, carry, take, deliver, bring, transmit, cart, haul, shift, hand (on or over), turn over, give, pass (on or along or over)

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Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Technology / Computers / Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): When you're exchanging electronic mail on the Internet, SMTP is what keeps the process orderly. It's a protocol that regulates what goes on between the mail servers. MORE

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